مجموع الحماية
مجموع تكاليف الأمن
راحة البال الكاملة
تصغ " شركة اللواء الذهبي للحراسات و الخدمات الأمنية " متطلبات العملاء نصب اعينها, و تستعين بذلك لتقديم طيف واسع من الخدمات, اذ تركز علي دعم أعمال العملاء من خلال تولي مسئولية المخاطر الأمنية, و تمكنيهم من العمل بسلاسة. منذ تأسيسها تعمل " اللواء الذهبي للحراسات و الخدمات الأمنية " غي العديد من قطاعات الأعمال و تتمتع بخبرة في تقديم الخدمات الأمنية لشتي أنواع المؤسسات و المنشأت, لا سيما الهيئات الحكومية و الشركات الخاصة و المراكز و المحلات التجارية و المشاريع الصناعية و الانشائية و المستودعات و المرافق اللوجستية و العقارات السكنية و مساكن العمال و مرافق النفط و الغاز و المرافق السياحية و المؤسسات المالية و مرافق النقل و المباني التجارية و السكنية و التعليمية و يكمن سر نجاحنا في معاملة عملائنا كشركاء لنا و لذا نضع أنفسنا تحت تصرفهم كجزء من فريق عملهم حتي نحقق معا نتائج ملموسة تتجاوز طموحاتهم.
حماية معارض
You might have the best product or service in the world, but if you can't effectively organize your data and other information technology infrastructures, you could be missing out on opportunities. Our data engineers help you understand and implement the right infrastructure solution for your brand and business, ensuring all teams have the knowledge to operate the right databases.
حماية المنشآت
With big data, businesses can gain a truly competitive edge to their day-to-day operations. Our big data consulting services focus on offering our clients the technologies, tools and strategies they need to shift through large quantities of market- and company-based data. Our consultants will help you move into new markets, save money and make processes all the more effective and efficient.
حماية المجمعات السكنية
You might have the best product or service in the world, but if you can't effectively organize your data and other information technology infrastructures, you could be missing out on opportunities. Our data engineers help you understand and implement the right infrastructure solution for your brand and business, ensuring all teams have the knowledge to operate the right databases.
حماية البنوك
With big data, businesses can gain a truly competitive edge to their day-to-day operations. Our big data consulting services focus on offering our clients the technologies, tools and strategies they need to shift through large quantities of market- and company-based data. Our consultants will help you move into new markets, save money and make processes all the more effective and efficient.
حماية المدارس
You might have the best product or service in the world, but if you can't effectively organize your data and other information technology infrastructures, you could be missing out on opportunities. Our data engineers help you understand and implement the right infrastructure solution for your brand and business, ensuring all teams have the knowledge to operate the right databases.
حماية المستشفيات
With big data, businesses can gain a truly competitive edge to their day-to-day operations. Our big data consulting services focus on offering our clients the technologies, tools and strategies they need to shift through large quantities of market- and company-based data. Our consultants will help you move into new markets, save money and make processes all the more effective and efficient.
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Riyadh - Prince Bandar Bin Abdulaziz Al Saud Street
للتواصل معنا
011 47 1111 7